Hello! I noticed that in the default installations (both from dockerhub container and bare-metal using install.sh script) I can access /api/users end-point without authentication and get admin api tok…
Thanks for this library.
I have created new project with v10 and integrated the latest `admin-lte` and `ngx-admin-let`.
Below is my `package.json`
> {
> "name": "mmp-angular",
> "ve…
* use dictionary for csv reading as well (https://github.com/OpenUpSA/wazimap-ng/blob/staging/wazimap_ng/points/admin/coordinate_file_admin.py#L65)
* show error detail in Admin view and not the colum…
La version v1.25 de kubernetes va supprimer certaines API qui avaient été depracated dans les versions précédentes.
La liste de quelques produits qui consomment les anciennes API :
Removed Rele…
### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request?
### Description
When migrating an application with lazy-loaded modules, a fairly recurrent pattern is encountered:
- [x] I confirm that this is an issue rather than a question.
## Bug report
I'm using a Hyperion.ng with external USB grabber based on MS2130 chipset and sometimes when I watch…
Sometimes we end up with a bunch of components, and the list inside `app/components/` folder increases and becomes an uncomfortable long list to search them for.
So it would be great to organize them…
Running Lighthouse 3 time(s) on
Run #1...done.
Run #2...done.
Run #3...done.
Error: No node found for selector: mat-option[ng-reflect-value="ADMIN"]
## ngrinder
$ java -jar ngrinder-controller-3.5.8.war
I'm currently testing the syslog-ng buffer settings with reliable(no). Despite the destination regaining connectivity, the buffer file in my buffer directory continues to grow and does…