Hello! We're excited to try Huly out. I'm having some issues, I believe, with my nginx configuration. We're getting:
After successfully deploying EDA through this operator on my k8s cluster, am not able to get the UI working.
When i port forward the UI sevice (kubectl port-forward service/eda-ui :80) i only get the…
### OCI images
- [x] NodeJS
- [x] MongoDB
- [x] Nginx
### Processor architectures
- [x] AMD64 / X86-64 / X64
- [ ] ARM64
### Workload containers
- [x] Docker compose YAML
Hello there!
After login with fake administrtor or another user on UI of **vkcom/devicehub:v1.3.7** logout button is not working - nothings gonna happen.
Dev tools show no 400 or 500 errors
Not possible to integrate the nginx in docker file?
tjaoc updated
2 months ago
"hub-mirror": [
### Bug description
nginx cannot direct port 5555 of the container that is running Prisma Studio Pro https, Prisma Studio only runs on HTTP if you enter the domain name :5555
ex: http://exampledom…
PHP 8.4.1 was released today - https://www.php.net/ChangeLog-8.php#8.4.1
Please add this functionality to nginx unit docker image
PHP 8.4 has nice improvements over php 8.3 which is the latest suppo…
**What type of your feature request?**
Open source WAF for Nginx, optional:
- [ ] ModSecurity
- [ ] ngx_http_limit_req_module 限制每秒请求数
- [ ] ngx_http_limit_conn_module 限制IP连接数
- [ ] http_lim…