nightwatch-browserstack>npm run local
> nightwatch-browserstack@0.1.1 local D:\repos\github\nightwatch-browserstack
> node scripts/local.runner.js -c conf/local.conf.js
Connecting local
### Description of the bug/issue
Functional tests failing with Socket hang up when run using Zap 2.14 and night watch - 1.3.7 and chromedriver - 124.0.1. This has suddenly stopped working, even witho…
Cypress makes end to end testing easier to write and faster to execute. It is NOT a selenium based architecture but rather more native to the browser. I have used Cypress on many projects including in…
Pretty new at this. Running the **Using Mocha From Nightwatch** example http://nightwatchjs.org/guide#using-mocha, verbatim test -- it's failing. Can't figure out why.
The browser launches and "n…
We've updated this onboarding tool: 1.0.0 -> 1.5.1. To get the latest experience, run: npm init nightwatch@latest
Nightwatch Configuration Wizard
hello, i'm trying to get the mobile project up and running. I looked for the capabilities out of here https://www.browserstack.com/automate/capabilities.
but as soon as I start the test, I get an e…
It appears that with
/* In nightwatch/globals.js */
var HtmlReporter = require('nightwatch-html-reporter');
var reporter = new HtmlReporter({
openBrowser: true,
reportsDirectory: __d…
I'm not sure how to do it. But here's what is needed to get DDEV configured and running "all of the tests"
[Enter feedback here]
**Error Details**
Mounted codebase
**Describe your issue**
Which is the correct setup to allow Nightwatch tests to run?
I'm on Drupal 10, and trying to run Nightwatch inside D4D environment, but wi…