Hello @KiddoZhu ,
I tried node2vec on a graph with 685,551 nodes using 2 GPU cards with 32 GB each and CPU memory size 120GB, but I kept getting out of memory errors. I was doing p = q = 1. When I…
I;m working through chapter 4. In the prediction of the test set, you use train_mask_str in the book but in your [gh code](https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Graph-Neural-Networks…
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
I guess it would only make sense to implement [Node2Vec](https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_modules/torch_geometric/nn/models/node2vec.html#No…
Node2vec and DeepWalk original proposals are built upon the skip-gram model. By default, nodevectors does not set the parameter ```w2vparams["sg"]``` to 1, therefore the underlying Word2Vec model uses…
I encountered the same problem when I ran
Node2Vec(G, dimensions = 64, q = 0.025, p = 4, workers = 4, num_walks = 1, walk_length = 5, weight_key = 'weight')**
Traceback (mos…
$ git clone https://lc.llnl.gov/bitbucket/scm/havoq/largescale_node2vec.git
Cloning into 'largescale_node2vec'...
fatal: unable to update url base from redirection:
asked for: https://lc.lln…
import os
from lightrag import LightRAG, QueryParam
from lightrag.llm import hf_model_complete, hf_embedding
from lightrag.utils import EmbeddingFunc
from transformers import AutoModel, A…
In the file "node2vec/node2vec_spark/src/main/scala/com/navercorp/Node2vec.scala", in the "randomWalk" function, I saw the edge2attr created and s"${edgeTriplet.srcId}${edgeTriplet.dstId}" as …
Hi Zheng Gao:
I applied edge2vec to @dhimmel hetionet, it has more than 2 million edges. …
## ❓ Questions & Help
I've found only **one** `torch.nn.Embedding` layer in `torch_geometric.nn.models.node2vec `, which is not consistent with the offcial [previous implementation](https://github.co…