Make the brand, Packaging, Labels, Stores, Countries where sold… clickable
Each value should open a list of products with that specific value.
- [ ] Category: https://world.openfoodfacts.org/categor…
It looks like it doesn't work at all - it shows the date and time exactly the same as Laravel\Nova\Fields\DateTime.
I use Laravel 9.50.1 and Nova 4.21.0
In my resource class I put as follows:
Hi, I'm encountering some issue with multilevel nested forms.
I get this error message:
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"modules[1][module]": ["The module field i…
Is there any way to pre-populate a set of rows using withMeta or the equivalent? I've updated to Nova 4 and can no longer use 64robots/nova-fields, which allowed me to do that.
I just forked this repo because I want to play around with adding a search field (let me know if this is something you've already finished 😄).
But I couldn't run `npm run` on the freshly cloned too…
But still some native field options don't work, for example:
SelectPlus::make('Product Varieties', 'productVarieties', ProductVariety::class)
I'm trying to update my project to Laravel Nova 4 and laravel-nova-nested-form is not compatible :
`PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Yassi\NestedForm\NestedForm::jsonSerializ…
Just check it