- PaddlePaddle 2.6.1
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Paddle2ONNX 1.2.11
- onnxruntime 1.19.2
return self._sess.run(output_names, input_feed, run_…
**Describe the bug**
The C application using ONNX Runtime for inference works fine during inference, but crashes when the application is closed.
ucrtbase.dll!00007ffd0b19f6fe() 未知
Hello. I am trying to run phi-3.5 ONNX on Android. I'm reaching out because I'm not sure how to resolve the issue related to token to string conversion. This occurs when I instruct it to output in a d…
### Describe the issue
We run a service via python in a docker container, this service runs ONNX models including support for the OpenVINO execution provider. The service is started and run inside of…
I am currently using Surface Pro 11 to reproduce [AIPC_Inference.md#2-use-directml--onnx-runtime-to-run-phi-3-model](https://github.com/microsoft/Phi-3CookBook/blob/main/md/03.Inference/AIPC_Inference…
The error occurs when I move the slide to close my lips, before I didn't get that error, but now I do.
Python 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC v.1932 64 bit (AMD64)]
while trying to load onnxruntime_pybind11_state.pyd in memory, it gives me error:
File "test.py", line XXX, in build_import_table
funcref.contents = GetProcAddress(hmod, cast(importordinal,…
keep having this error message
![Screenshot 2024-06-17 191423](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui-rembg/assets/4930397/5e466e10-6a8d-45b6-bfe0-b25a0ef566d0)
have tried the …
Error message provided:
$ winpty docker run -it -p 43839:43839 --platform=linux/amd64 --gpus all -v $MODEL_DIR:/workspace/instantmesh/models instantmesh
== CUDA ==
### Question
## version
onnx 1.17.0
onnxruntime-gpu 1.14.0
onnxsim 0.4.36