POLREF need to apply a polarisation correction as part of their reduction. One way they do this is by producing a workspace with the required efficiency factors. At the moment only Andrew and Christy …
I am part of a team who is looking into applying optimized DMD to subsets of the [ERA5 dataset](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/datasets/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview), which contains t…
### Motivation
[Hill climbing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_climbing) is a local search algorithm commonly used for optimization problems. The sampler based on the hill-climbing algorithm aims …
- RC: 2024-11-18
- Esitmated Release Date: 2024-11-25
## Action Items
PRs that should be included: https://github.com/nervosnetwork/ckb/labels/p%3Amust-have
- [ ] @driftluo #4683
A MediaSource object is typically attached to a media element.
When this MediaSource is detached from the media element (such as when the src or srcObject attribute is cleared or set to another obj…
### Motivation
In solving multi-objective hyperparameter optimization , the pareto front solution will be the output.
In order to select the optimal solution among the paretos, multi-criteria decisi…
### Session description
Identify where definitions exist in the DOM spec that can be used by UIEvents, with the goal of removing all duplication and to enable a proper algorithmic description of all …
In 5.2.1 of the context processing algorithm it says:
> Initialize context to the result of resolving context against base URL. If base URL is not a valid [IRI](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3987#…
Allow users to request unlabelled subgraph counting via an optional(?) additional input
Unlabelled subgraph counting can be achieved by dividing the current count value by the result of running th…
It is proposed to introduce raster collections into the EnMAP-Box data model to manage bigger sets of raster layers (e.g. EnMAP images for a whole country or continent) efficiently. By managing, we re…