Thanks for your code fisrt, it help so much
Here is a question:
I used the same processing method as SiamFC paper mentioned to preprocess the GOT-10K, but when I tried to train SiamFCRes22 on it, …
I didn't change any parameters. Because of the randomness of the tracking results, I fixed the random seeds. But the final result is lower than that shown in the paper. What's the matter?
The res…
Thank you for releasing this excellent work.
I tested your model on OTB2015 and the result was 0.632,This result is lower than 0.650 in your paper. I use the default parameter settings of your code. …
Thanks for your code fisrt, it help so much.
According to the configuration process you said, I successfully ran the training code of SiamFCRes22 network with CIResNet22_PRETRAIN.model as pretrained …
I ran ./snapshot/CIResNet22.pth on OTB2015 and got 0.6437 auc
Thank you very much for your work.
But when I evaluate VITAL tracker on many datasets tb50,tb100,otb13
the overlap and precision are always less than MDNet tracker.
could you know the reason?
g-zin updated
5 years ago
Hi there!
I train the `SiamFCRes22` following the instruction, but the performance is much lower than yours (see below)
Model | OTB2013(AUC)
:--: | :--:
SiamFCRes22checkpoint_e30 | 0.5981
Thank you for your great work, I have download the ILSVRC2015, but I can not find the meta_data.pkl. Is it generated? Hope to receive your response.
Hello,thank u for sharing the code. I try to evaluate the performance on VOT2016 and configure the "tracker_OptMDNet_Opt.m" and copy files in `vot/vot_tracker_settings` into my vot workspace. Also cha…