У документі Топ-10 OWASP 2017 надано рекомендації для розробників і тестувальників безпечних програмних продуктів. Аргументовано перерахуйте сім рекомендацій в порядку убування їх значущост…
In the newsletter, the page https://owaspsamm.org/blog/2021/11/30/owasp-samm-train-the-trainer/ is highlited. The "events" page is highlited on the bottom on the article.
The events pages lists:
Raised by Roberto Polli in Slack https://owasp.slack.com/archives/C01EQUM5TGS/p1617837141004300:
Hi there! I'm trying to reference SAMM entities (activities & Co) into #dsomm yaml files. I thought th…
What's the rationale behind two "streams" in each SAMM 2.0 category? Is it just a logical categorization? One stream doesn't take preceden…
Could be used to plan the next steps after a SAMM gap analysis? https://medium.com/@chrisvmcd/mapping-maturity-create-context-specific-mat…
At https://owasp.org/www-project-samm/, download sections ("Download v1.5" / "Download v1.1.1"), links are not aligned, making it difficult to read + understand what items can be retrieved from there …
consider compiling a list of suitable podcasts to make an appearance on? I imagine that between us we could put together a list that quite nicely spans the sdlc spectrum of infosec podcasts. It would …
## What is the proposed Cheat Sheet about?
Fostering a security supportive culture is not only a essential aspect for driving security into any organisations environment, but it is also one o…