Split data into pages with predefined size in bytes. It allows to use same pages as size if hard drive segment.
jajir updated
19 hours ago
Creation de la page d'acceuille
Luo 404 sivu, joka näytetään, kun käyttäjä yrittää käyttää URL-polkua, jota ei löydy.
Tekstiksi "Hups, eksyit polulta!" + surullinen naama tai joku muu sopiva ikoni/emoji
Lisää sivulle nappi, joka o…
Create a comprehensive 'Contact Us' page for the website, ensuring that you include all necessary HTML and CSS files.
Implement a pixel perfect documentation page from the [FIGMA](https://www.figma.com/design/JW1DKwDBVJq97whSwlWDLS/Auto-swapper?node-id=282-1715&node-type=frame&t=tMxPcYhV9Bd5SNnM-0) design.
Not sure how, but returning to a duplicate page makes the application crash
Add separator between pages to distinguish page where it ends and where next page start
The contributing to the ETM page, which can be found in contrib/intro is written like it's a draft section and has no real information.
![Screenshot 2024-11-29 at 14 03 05](https://github.com/user-a…
Deadline 1 day
Let's try to get doc pages online. Under settings in this repo you can go to "pages". It should be configured to look something like this: