使用bannerView.pageControl?.pageType = .hollow模式后,pageControl选中的不对,不会随着图片的轮播而更新当前的index,demo中也存在这个bug
Using in tableviewcell, currentDotImage repeats when moving cell down and up again.
From #207:
> Some [sun components] pointer areas for subcomponents (e.g. HSlider, OnOffSwitch), and should have options, but addressing that deficiency is not part of this issue.
ExpandCollapseBar a…
为什么pod1.65版本的 没有设置pageControl偏移量的属性啊 求指教啊
I am using this library in one of my projects and I want the image slide show view controller be a child controller. It works fine however once I put the view inside the container then the PageControl…
On my HP 9000 712 I can install NEXTSTEP 3.3 to BlueSCSI drive at ID6 (via BlueSCSI cdrom ID3), but when it tries to boot from it (ID6). It will fail due to it's default hard drive geometry given by B…
pageControl.currentPage = 0
currentPage is not set as 0, it show Error: Cannot assign to property: 'currentPage' is a get-only property