I want to use Merlin to synthesize voices in Bangla (Bengali).
Can anyone guide me to the steps of creating new languages in Merlin? Besides the data-set, what language-specific tasks do we need to …
The POS tagger in cleartk-token should be revisited so that it conforms to the
same type-system agnostic pattern that Lee's ClearNLP wrapper uses with a
TokenOps interface.
Also, we should ha…
POS tagset extracted from French maltparser model looks very strange:
Tagset [null] for layer
[de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.lexmorph.type.pos.POS] contains [39] tags:
Feature request from 2020 Survey results:
> Have real Title Case transforms that left articles like A, An, And, The lowercased as well as prepositions instead of capitalizing each word.
The Word List part of the IIP website is generated by code that is in this repository (iip-production).
There is a `wordlist.html` template in the templates directory: https://github.com/Brown-Unive…
This is a restart of #536, following on two use cases I've encountered in the past two days.
### Idea
Provide a way for a `tokens` object to store the annotations that can be obtained using a ta…
How can we add the abkhazian language?
There are a few resources like https://gitlab.com/Bachstelze/alp and https://github.com/danielinux7/Multilingual-Parallel-Corpus .
Can we port those models to …
POS tagset extracted from French maltparser model looks very strange:
Tagset [null] for layer
[de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.lexmorph.type.pos.POS] contains [39] tags:
POS tagset extracted from French maltparser model looks very strange:
Tagset [null] for layer
[de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.lexmorph.type.pos.POS] contains [39] tags:
POS tagset extracted from French maltparser model looks very strange:
Tagset [null] for layer
[de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.lexmorph.type.pos.POS] contains [39] tags: