Current options
- List speeches in the metadata block
- Wrap speeches in div elements
- Make each utterance block one per speech
If you encounter the problem with SpacyR installation when you try to run Mike's excellent R library with Spacy parser for part of speech tagging, you can use the following steps to solve that.
I started a simple HTTP server in "Dracula-Web" after installing the nodejs version of Dracula. The interface is two textboxes and a button. It takes forever to load and doesn't return a result. Am I …
Integrate AraNLP.
AraNLP library is a Java-based toolkit for the processing of Arabic text. It
supports the most important preproces…
I used the Sentiment Analyzer model to perform binary classification on the [Amazon Reviews Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/bittlingmayer/amazonreviews). Before training, I perform the following steps…
Calling `tag()` on multiple strings reloads the models each time. It would be great to load them up on the first call and then reuse them.
# Addressing the elephant in the room
When the concept of transformers were first unleashed, their revolutionnary accuracy results where mostly shown in the standard NLP tasks, such as POS-tagging, d…
I'm new to Presidio (started working with the code yesterday), but I can't figure out why I'm getting the results I am. Code is below. It doesn't seem to be recognizing "cents" in the context. However…
How the corpus Wikipedia_10k_words file is contributing to the training? What is its role?