I am getting the following error when installing patchman client. looks like repo source has been changed. I am trying to install it on 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
The installation instructions for installing patchman on Debian say to use the following command to download the signing key for the openbytes Debian package repository:
apt-key adv --keyserver …
I've built two brand new CentOS 8 servers from minimal install, no third party packages or other configuration items other than adding a user account. I then proceed to install patchman on the server…
cat /etc/oracle-release
Oracle Linux Server release 8.3
cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.3 (Ootpa)
Would it be possible to create rpms for Oracle Linux Serv…
sdaru updated
3 years ago
Would it be possible to create rpms for Fedora? I get the following error when I try to install. If I use --skip-broken, it installs the client, but not the server. The requisite packages that Fedor…
Hi guys,
PHP 7.4.16 + Joomla 3.9.26 (also on a Joomla 4.0 beta 5 installation)
the Server Patchman scan has reported a:
Code injection vulnerability in PHPMailer
Hi all,
**To simplify environment setup and folder structure, I'm moving the contents of the useless `code` folder to the root of the repository.** This is in effect **now** on the develop branch.
File to change: ```.github/workflows/build-docker-image.yml```
Add ```workflow_dispatch:``` to all "Build docker image" workflows.
name: Build docker image
The "PR Labeler" workflow should be removed everywhere.
Remove the `.github/pr-labeler.yml` file as well as the `.github/workflows/pr-labeler.yml` everywhere.
Can someone explain where on the patchman server I should edit for allowed clients?
In the apache error log I see this when running patchman-client from another machine.
[Wed Mar 24 21:02:48.1…