**Proposition:** Enhancement
In some cases, the Pinot Broker REST API returns string values [e.g. "Infinity"] as results (as part of `rows`) when the value cannot be represented as a JSON "number".…
It would be a great idea to break this dependency by introducing some api modules or some other way. The result would be a smaller pinot-tools with none of the vulnerabilities or license issues that c…
Pinot realtime ingestion from kinesis data stream works as expected for sometime but eventually stops consuming. While checking server logs, `connection refused` error is shown. Is this due to the iss…
I have found that I can ingest using JSON all types as multi-valued dimension columns with the exception of BOOLEAN, TIMESTAMP, and BYTES. I believe that JSON_ARRAY isn't a valid type, but I wasn't su…
This problem brought up our attention when more users are under cloud deployment especially Kubernetes.
With such deployment, an external client is very hard to connect to Pinot as all the host/port …
Data is ingested from Kafka to realtime table with below config. It is having replication factor 2.
**Table config**
"instanceAssignmentConfigMap": {
Apache Pinot is a realtime distributed OLAP datastore, which is used at LinkedIn, Uber, Microsoft, Slack and Weibo to deliver scalable real time analytics with low latency. for more details: https://p…
Pinot-server is getting time-out with zookeeper and it is not reconnecting automatically. This affects all tables. Need to restart the Pinot-server to establish the connection with zookeeper.Is there …
Currently there's no effective way of searching and gathering all related logs for a particular query or life cycle/control event. As of now, there's only a numeric requestId like `124927` being gener…
pinot-spi’s pom has a dependency on `log4j-slf4j-impl`. I don’t think this is right - it should only depend on `slf4j-api`. Because of the current dependency, the pinot-java-client’s dependency on pin…