It is "finding small integer roots of a bivariate polynomial modulo an integer", however there is no way to specify this integer. Only polynomials over Z (not Z/mZ) are supported.
The set of algebraic numbers is the set of all numbers that are roots of polynomials having rational coefficients. Since the set of algebraic numbers is algebraically closed it should be possible to r…
I have found an error `PrecisionExhausted` while trying to compute the continued fraction for Casus irreducible example in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casus_irreducibilis
For second or third roots …
See this notebook near the end:
`solve` will find the solution fo…
The following call never returns:
sym::solve_real_roots(sym::Polynomial {1, 0, 0, 1, 1});
I tested with other quartic polynomials as well, and the crash seems to always happen when the …
On sage 8.9 with python3, we get:
sage: polytopes.regular_polygon(16)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
jplab updated
3 months ago
### Describe your issue.
The [`scipy.special.sh_jacobi`](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.special.sh_jacobi.html) (and corresponding `roots_` and `eval_`) function is not th…
I understand that sqxs4 sqys4 sqwhts4 represents the node_x node_y and weights on the square [-1 1]*[-1 1], respectively. However, I'm unclear about the meaning of meaning of squmatr4. Could you plea…
I've had issues with the multroot function.
I have the function f(x)=1.7273219441449328e-6+257.8444185695129*x+111.17574047075945*x^2
the roots for this polynomial function should be: -2.…