Seems the examples in the documentation are mostly discrete?
Many thanks!
pomdp-py has been useful to many since it was released two years ago. It is encouraging to receive emails from users of different backgrounds. I believe there is value and beauty in keep improving thi…
I think that a table with a basic problem description would greatly improve the package.
Something like the following:
### MDPs
problem | space | action
Hi Jaz,
How do your open markov systems relate to things like Markov Decision Processes and Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes.
From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partially…
I am having trouble setting up the environment. After cloning the repository, I start the Julia REPL from the top folder and enter:
using Pkg
using POMDPs
When I try to run [this program](https://github.com/himanshugupta1009/autonomous_golf_cart.git), I receive the following error message:
ERROR: LoadError: Planner failed to choose an action bec…
Things like belief filters, common utilities, common domains, etc
Thanks for publishing the codes. I am currently running AdaOPS on various benchmarks.
However, on Bumper Roomba, when I run AdaOPS, sometimes this issue occurs and stops the planning program…
Hello, when I try to run this program I met this following error message:
got A-star
ERROR: LoadError: Planner failed to choose an action because the following exception was thrown:
The lower …