Lauren Hirata Singh (lnhsingh) commented:
Lauren Hirata Singh (lnhsingh) commented:
The following have already been updated:
- Python - psycopg2
- Python - SQLAlchemy
- Python - Django
- Java…
PonyORM looks fantastic. It would be even more useful with some kind of (rudimentary) introspection tool to help in developing entities from an existing database.
I have a crufty old database I nee…
Insted of using a simple csv file it should use a sqlite3 database
Hay thanks for the great orm mapper.
I have a issue using it within pytest.
If I run the test first time everything is fine and works perfectly. After run the same couple of test again I got
We should allow library users to use their own database
Currently the only checks done in the CI/CD are to make sure that the Docker image builds. It would be great to also run a test suite to help handle regression issues. Once support for unit/integratio…
How do I create a query that refunds all data from a table with its relationships in json format??
I have this following model:
Test code:
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from pony.orm import *
db = Database()
class Order(db.Entity):
id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
time = Required(…
I noticed that when developing, I miss @dbsession decorator, since my tests pass, while in actual production not all my code will be automatically covered in session.
This is most relevant for integr…