In GitLab by @gregorgassner on Apr 6, 2020, 13:40
The goal is to bring over new technology from Fluxo, based on the shock capturing to implement automatic positivity preservation.
I have the following type, following the [`LaterPrims`](https://github.com/agda/agda/blob/172366db528b28fb2eda03c5fc9804f2cdb1be18/test/Succeed/LaterPrims.agda) example without knowing exactly what I'…
New user here loving Nomie and the concept of the positivity score in particular. What I'm missing though is an option to directly relate the positivity of an event to its associated value via a multi…
The common positivity/negativity of blogs and social media posts can be used to determine the writer's personality.
While for this package it has been affecting the code in F77.c, the loss of monotonicity and positivity can be demonstrated with following R code:
n randunif[the_draw < 0]
At present there is no check for positivity of the arguments that will be on the diagonal of a `PDiagMat` or `ScalMat`. Probably a good idea to check that.
julia> using PDMats
julia> …
Consider the following code:
auto : (A : Set) → A
data D : Set where
d : D → D
data P : D → Set where
p : ∀ x → P (d x)
f : ∀ x → P x → P x
f .…
Strict positivity checking prevents encoding logical relations as datatypes.
However, an equivalent datatype can be encoded using a recursive function,
because Agda's termination checker can pro…
``` agda
module _ where
module Works where
record Fun (A : Set) (B : A → Set) : Set where
field fun : (x : A) → B x
data U : Set where
Π : (A : U) (B : El A → U) → U
While trying to understand the differences between Agda's and Idris's positivity checkers, I came across [Andreas Abel's message from 2012](https://lists.chalmers.se/pipermail/agda/2012/004297.html), …