Hello, thank you for your influential work. How can I download the pretrained model for KIT dataset?
Is there some pre-trained model, so I can download and test them before training.
Hello, thank you for your work. What models need to be downloaded from Huggerface? I used code to download and couldn't connect to Huggerface
Hi, thanks for the great work!
Could you please provide the pre-trained models?
Thank you for your work.
It seems that the link to the pre-trained model is unavailable. Could you provide an updated link or guide me on how to access the model? I’d really appreciate your help.
The link to the pre-training model and dataset has expired, can you give a new download link again.
Hello, thank you for sharing the code. About the classification experiment cifar100 to cifar100c and imagenet to imagenetc, .can you provide download files for source pre-trained model?
Greets, thanks for your amazing work! What time will the code and pre-trained model be released?
Thank you for your great work, but the download link for the pre-trained model is no longer valid, could you please update the link?
I wonder where I can download the pre-trained weights.
The code said that I can download via a Baidu Netdisk link, however, I failed to find the link in the readme file.