(dreamerv3) xkq@xkq-Legion:~/Documents/dreamerv3_torch$ python3 dreamer.py --configs dmc_vision --task dmc_walker_walk --logdir ./logdir/dmc_walker_walk
Logdir logdir/dmc_walker_walk
Create envs.
I am experiencing a problem on macOS Big Sur (11.1), where I am trying to import pyopengl and the following error occurs when installing through conda (and happens with reinstallation too):
Was recently trying to install on windows follwing https://glumpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
This failed as the pre-compiled binary for GLFW did not want to play ball with my hardwa…
Nupic-studio installation is only installing PyOpenGl again every time, not nupic-studio.
I had no time yet verifying this on my desktop machine, but I want it installed on my laptop either way.
fkarg updated
8 years ago
I have an issue installing PyOpenGL-accelerate on my Win 10 64-bit, does anyone has any instructions how to install all requirements on Win 10 64-bit?
When running the test suite with "accelerate" enabled and Python built with assertions enabled (`--with-assertions`), the test suite crashes with failed assertion in the C extension:
$ tox…
error: subprocess-exited-with-error
× python setup.py bdist_wheel did not run successfully.
│ exit code: 1
╰─> [36 lines of output]
Unable to import numpy, skipping numpy extensi…
I am running the second example code from the [quickstart](https://pyrender.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/quickstart.html) changing/adding this part of the code:
flags = pyrender.RenderFla…
my setup: pygame 2.5.2, PyOpenGL 3.1.7 Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (XDG_SESSION_TYPE="wayland")
running the pygame example 'glcube.py'
yields: "OpenGL.error.Error: Attempt to retrieve context when no valid …
For Windows users
We get warning that pyrender 1.4.5 currently supports only pyopengl 3.1.0
The standard way to install pyopengl is from Christoph Gohlke [site](https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pyth…