Given pytest-bdd is installed, if you type:
>>> import types
>>> types.__file__
But without pytest-bdd:
>>> import types
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________ test_check_node_statistics_can_be_retrieved __________________
request =
assert response…
Hey Guys,
I have a step in scenario outline:
Given something
When thing is moved to position
Then something else
|1 |1 |
In my…
Hi Paul, I have tried the Jetbrains blog for Pytest-BDD but I haven't been able to make it run successfully.
These are the steps I was trying to follow:
Could you implement embedding possibility of made screenshot into cucumber json report when scenario step failed?
I'm writing test cases with pytest-bdd and need allure reports with gherkin steps, but the report can't be generated properly.
**Version info**
> allure-pytest 2.8.13
allure-pytest-bdd …
I am getting the error while running the pytest bdd scenario:
request =
@scenario(featrure_name='sample.feature', scenario_name ' sample', feature_base_dir='usr/local/bin/test', strict…
I know there's a PyTest Playwright interop library; it would be great to have Behave-style BDD work well with Playwright.
[//]: # (
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All test cases are located in behaviour tab, it's necessary to divide them by test suites, with marking of specified tests or other way of this implementation