a crazy idea by @lookfwd , but why not!
./qtop pbs://host
* ./qtop -b pbs --magic
** pbsnodes -a >%(savepath)s/mypbsfile
** qstat -q >%(savepath)s/myqstatqfile
** qstat >%(savepath)s/myqstatfile…
I get this error on a cluster with the IBM LSF scheduler (http://wiki.umassrc.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
$ smart-dispatch
WARNING:root:Cluster does not support flock! Falling back to fold…
@pzarabadip ran into an issue where `verdi computer test` would hang
The reason is that `verdi computer test` runs `qstat -f` on this computer, which simply produces *enormous* output.
`qstat -f -…
Hi, for [XQF](https://github.com/XQF/xqf) we used some ugly hacks to browse Savage master support, but I think the better place to do it is in QStat itself.
QStat already knows how to query Savage se…
While running the run_gemma.sh script from either Legion/Myriad, I am getting the following qstat error:
Tue Jul 31 16:39:10 2018 : \$qstat_stderr : no matching hostkey found for key ED25519 SH…
Hi!I have met a problem when i want to run the do_elastix_registration.py using Pycharm.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/RegUn-master/do_elastix_registration.py", line 154, in
At some point in the future it could be advantageous to have helper functions for interacting with the grid, such as fetching running jobs, ending jobs, submitting R scripts, etc.
Below are a coupl…
OpenPBS and Torque have different outputs and options for qstat.
Please add support for OpenPBS
`qstat -q3m master3.idsoftware.com:27950`
shows _more_ servers than
`qstat -q3m master3.idsoftware.com:27950 -q3m master.maverickservers.com:27950 -q3m dpmaster.deathmask.net:27950 -q3m master.ioquake…
Would like some additional info here:
PBS Job Information:
ID: 87789.flashmgr2
Owner: uquser@awoonga1.storage
State: F
---Bunch of other…