This issue will require the creation of tests, as well as the supporting compiler logic, to allow Wyvern rationals and booleans can be interoperated with Java booleans and doubles.
As reported in [1] and [2]
sage: x = 1/2
sage: x//2
sage: RDF(5) // 2
sage: RIF(5) // 2
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for //: 'sage.rings.real_mpfi.RealIntervalFieldElement' …
There are two implementations of rational numbers in sympy: Rational (which is Basic) and PythonRational (QQ in the poly domains). When gmpy2 is installed the poly domains will use mpq instead which i…
Would it be possible to parse decimals into rationals? Python has a way to do this to their Fraction, And Julia has a roundabout way to do this.
E.g. `let x: BigRational = "1234.45e67".parse().unwr…
For now, conversion to pari polynomials are converted into vectors
gap> LoadPackage("PARIInterface");;
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals, "x");;
gap> p := PARIPolynomial(3*x^2 + 2*x + 1);
Regarding the greatest common divisor (GCD) and least common multiple (LCM), as binary operators, it seems that two incompatible meanings exist:
* The meaning used in Euclid's geometrical text (Elemen…
newt is not intended to be a systems language, neither is high performance a primary goal. Avoiding overflow and rounding issues may be well worth the decreased performance in this context
In your current implementation you use `1e-6` as epsilon for `f32` trait impl and `1e-11` as epsilon for `f64`. Are there some specific rationals why you use those "magic numbers" instead of the stand…
- Given linear equations (one to start with, several eventually) return a type that is either
* a solution with a proof that it is a solution (one may need to pull in an implementation of rationals…
> _ := PolynomialRing(Rationals());
> f := x^5 - 3*x^4 + 5*x^3 + 27*x^2 + 18*x;
> K := SplittingField(f);
> X := HyperellipticCurve(f);
> geoendorep := GeometricEndomorphismRepresentation(X);…