I'm receiving the following "Warning"
Warning: Use the `defaultValue` or `value` props on instead of setting `selected` on .
in option (created by styled.option)
in styled.option (cre…
**Please Describe The Problem To Be Solved**
**Tabs in select**
- [ ] AppGroupAppFilter
**React vari…
Changing the total from 5000 to 25 leads to the scroll not working correctly. Steps to reproduce: open the MultiSelect and scroll down. Close the component and then open it again. Notice that the drop…
### To Create
##### Regular
- [ ] List ( #174 )
- [ ] AppHeader ( #16, #239 )
- [ ] AppPicker
- [ ] DatePicker #31 (less important)
##### React Over/Popper
- [ ] Popover (elevation, ar…
react-select version: 5.6.1
I'm trying to overwrite the base `` element field "auto-complete" to have the value "off" in order to stop the Chrome auto-complete suggestions from appearing. When repl…
I mean, I do not want to use checkboxes, but I do not want them to appear in the select bar like this:
after the 1st open and close every other click it does not seem to open i can see it does not add the class `open` in ``
the following code is in closed state
Column Visibility id
When I submit the form and use reset from react-hook-form to clear the form, the selected values from before do not get added to the list as part of reset, only when I choose another option it will re…
Great multiple selection component!
I'm having a problem on Android though (devices and emulators) using version `0.3.0`:
1. Open multiple select and choose tags.
2. Close dropdown. (Not using …
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