Would be nice to have some way to see a model's piece hierarchy and layout including live rotations. Here's what supcom does, the white lines point to piece/bone origins and each piece has the little …
Similarly to issue #557 the rotation associated with a design may change over time, but the actual design doesn't change. It would be good to capture multiple designs associated with an experiment and…
Hi there,
this is a fantastic idea for a mod but, in FS22, I can't make fixed rotations (45/90/180°) work consistently. I tried unbinding any keyboard or controllers keys but when I try to look at …
When importing an FBX file with rotational animation keyframes, sometimes the resulting quaternion becomes inverted.
When one of my FBX files is imported into Blender, the animation data for one of…
1. To see how changes to stats / consumables affects the rotation
2. It's just nice to have :)
It'd be great to be able to take several years of data for an area into a single layer that includes crop rotations, where it uses the boundaries of the latest year and makes the crop of each previous…
; Function Attrs: mustprogress nofree norecurse nosync nounwind willreturn memory(inaccessiblemem: write)
define noundef i1 @src40(i64 noundef %0) local_unna…
Now that we have the ability to enable TLS communication for NATS, we need to support enabling NATS TLS for the AWS Marketplace offerings:
1. Should we use a custom generated CA or the Privat…
Comment from Mado:
potom ja mam trosku vyhrady k tej manipulacii s objektom, resp k rotacii kamery...tie uhly pohladu su obmedzene a neda sa pozriet na spodok objektu. Neslo by to nejako unlocknut? A…
Hello, i just cloned the repo to use it for the pre processing of the KIT dataset but i faced this issue that i didn't know how to solve, if any one knows how please help ?
Traceback (most recent ca…