#### Summary:
I need to get access to the stan_surv() function from 'rstanarm' development package; however, I am unable to install it on my machine.
#### Description:
I tried to install 'rstanar…
On branch `develop` (commit 96d8e11d6f0ad0a1f7836c51700cb676b364bee5), this reprex:
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE))
data("kidiq", package = "rstanarm")
I fila p1Bayesian prøver jeg å bruke Rstanarm. Føler jeg liksom bare har "oversatt" fra polr til stan_polr. Hva er svakheten med disse analysene? Vil det være hensiktsmessig av meg å sette meg mer inn…
#### RStanARM Version:
#### R Version/Operating System:
R version 4.0.5 Ubuntu 20.04
I installed rstarnarm with:
`install.packages("rstanarm", repos = c("https://mc-stan.org/r-packa…
#### Summary:
Seeing error when using `neg_binomial_2()` family: `could not find function "glmer"`
#### Description:
I see the following when using the `family = list(neg_binomial_2())`:
#### Summary:
A rstanarm model will fail if any of the variables (including the outcome) are constant. But I'm not sure what we really want to do in this case.
#### Description:
Because of `c…
#### Summary:
clang error when installing rstanarm. Path to `RcppParallel` is not being shell escaped and is being split at space in "Application Support".
#### Description:
I'm trying to install…
**Hi rstanarm community,**
I am very confused here. Please any help understanding the root of the issue and potentially solve it would be amazing!
All the best Kamau
#### Summary:
Error when…
``` r
junk and cyl (r = 0.71). This might lead to inappropriate results. See 'Details'
#> in '?equivalence_test'.
#> Picking joint bandwidth…
The authors of _rstanarm_ (see `?rstanarm::posterior_interval`) or John Kruschke (see Kruschke JK. Doing Bayesian Data Analysis: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan. 2nd edition. Academic Press, 2015, p…