I run test_seglink.py, and the script meet below error when it run to line "image_bboxes = sess.run([bboxes_pred], feed_dict = {image:image_data, image_shape:image_data.shape})
I use tensorflow-g…
Great job with the seglink model code as well as with making the checkpoint available!
I would like to save a seglink checkpoint as a graph (e.g saved_model.pb) for serving from TFS -
what's the effect when seglink applied to chinese ocr? can it achieve the state-of-the-art effect ?
I have tested ICDAR2013 with seglink-384 model and visualized the result images. The seg_conf is set 0.8 and link_conf 0.5. However the performance was very poor. Can you help explain the reason?
I used the command
python eval_seglink.py --checkpoint_path=./seglink/model.ckpt-136750 --dataset_name=icdar2015 --dataset_split_name=test --dataset_dir=./tf_records
to evaluate the model provi…
I am proceeding exactly how you describe. However, once I run the code I receive
DataLossError (see above for traceback): Unable to open table file /home.net/vs17dow/Desktop/A_M-arbeit/G_Code/E_seg…
When I try to change the VGG net to Resnet,it doesn't work.
I mainly change the vgg.py file like
def basenet(inputs):
logit, endpoints =resnet_50(inputs)
endpoints['conv4_3'] = …
It seems that the links for the trained models seglink-384 and seglink-512 are not longer active. Could someone please update these to working links. Thanks