Currently there is a method in the de.tudarmstadt.ukp.wikipedia.api.Page.java
class called "getOutlinkAnchors()" that "only returns the anchors that are not
equal to the title of the page they a…
Currently there is a method in the de.tudarmstadt.ukp.wikipedia.api.Page.java
class called "getOutlinkAnchors()" that "only returns the anchors that are not
equal to the title of the page they a…
@roystgnr we have this in `compare_types`:
// We can define CompareTypes template specializations with user types
// asymmetrically, to assist in disambiguation of templated functions
// or…
Our paper focuses around two [word sense disambiguation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word-sense_disambiguation) (WSD) tasks:
- traditional WSD, where we have a word (say `machine`) in a sentence an…
## What
The functionality of modifying units, currency for example
## Why
1. Order matters, in some language. Specifically, a common way to express `one hundred dollars` in Chinese is commonly se…
Originally reported on Google Code with ID 25
Some time ago we discussed the possibility of a user-friendly web interface for DKPro
WSD, where web users could select from some predefined sense in…
I'm parsing a list of statistical methods, and one of them is "Lumpability" , specifically this page:
But when I use the wikipedia module, it seems to t…
vsoch updated
5 years ago
Hi! Thank you for your open source initiative, and for creating FLUE. I was wondering if you could provide us with an update about when the code and data will be released for the following tasks, whic…
Hi all, thanks for this work.
I need to exec a large number of requests to compute similarities between wikidata entities. I'm trying running a simple code snippet without calling the API. Is it poss…
Defect Description: No path specified on the site to reach this experiment http://cl-iiith.vlabs.ac.in/# -> List of Experiments.
Steps to Reproduce this issue: reach http://cl-iiith.vlabs.ac.in/# and…