Thanks for this great example!
To help with cold start, I did some experiments with provisioned concurrency, lazy load the transformers module in sentiment and prime the sentiment method if the pr…
How to user bert turkish sentiment cased model for calculating sentiment scores of sentences with more than 512 sequence length?
I know we can do text classification as positive and negative as mentioned in below notebook. Is there any way to classify neutral sentiment also?
### Introducing Uncharted: Sentiment Analysis Module
Uncharted, a powerful module within the Tredge ecosystem, brings you advanced sentiment analysis capabilities for analyzing company's quarterly …
- I realized while annotating `POSITIVE`, `NEGATIVE` labels for `product_review` corpus, there are distinct sentences that carry positive intent and other with negative intent and some with neutral.
### 1.3 sentiment analysis (10 points)
Sentiment analysis section of this script: [https://github.com/rebeccajohnson88/PPOL564_slides_activities/blob/main/activities/fall_22/solutions/08_textasdata…
Why do I get sentiment scores of -5.0, -5.0 in the output txt file when I run your code?
## TL;DR
When defining a pipeline's elements and testing it on a couple of sentences, the tests results are inconsistent. Some go smoothly, while some encounter the following **type error**:
For example, look into how Sustainalytics calculates their risk scores. Then consider ways of developing our own equations or additional inputs (like sentiment).
I want to use this model to convert an opinion to a vector somehow (or at least arrive at an approximation of that).
E.g. "I'm an atheist" and "I believe in god" should be polar opposites. "I hate…