[A build configuration check](https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher/blob/1a5e259b259130b50607174fc9f9508dc1f2941c/configure.ac#L19 "Checking for PCRE support") refers still to the programming …
I have installed everything else, only PCRE is messing it up now. Normally it would install into /usr/local/whatever, but now on Windows I have no idea how it works. Someone must have gotten this work…
Meai1 updated
10 years ago
It's quite strange but cyrillic tags with specific characters are trimmed on 'all tags' view.
1. Add these tags to any of your notes: #абвгдеёжзийклмноп_р_стуфхцчшщъыьэюя #АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМ_Н_ОПРСТУФХ…
Allow scanning for repos with a find/ag.
``` sh
$ vcspull scan [path] # prompt to merge into config (creating backup first) or create new
Should allow ignore dirs/patterns. Be fast, leverage ht…
I am running Silver Searcher in vim on ubuntu 16.04. Every time I search using `Ag` the results return fine, no errors, but my vim session immediately stops. Any idea why this might occur?
If I write a script with ag in it to find which files have "foo" in them:
ag -l foo ~/src/the_silver_searcher
and run that from a shell `/home/richq/checkag.sh > /tmp/checkag.log 2…
richq updated
3 years ago
In Node.js & Bun, spawned subprocesses by default use `socketpair` instead of `pipe` for stdin. This makes it easier to prevent read() & write() calls from blocking without setting a file descriptor t…
I am searching for text occurrences in all files like this:
`ag 'search term' /`
However, searching the entire filesystem gives a lot of `ERR: Permission denied` errors which is fine. Is there a…
i'm the ag Haikuports maintainer. Since some days "ag" started to crash. I suppose it is something with Haiku or with my new laptop, still searching, but i post my backtrace and my findings here.…