If I understand correctly, the sparklyr extension is developed in the upstream repo?
Using this issue to collect logos that have been approved to be added to the http://sparklyr.org/ site.
I am trying to understand the concepts behind the extensions for sparklyr.
An example extension would be very helpful for me.
I'm experimenting with geospark and find the spatial joins slower than expected.
I've set geospark.join.gridtype to "kdbtree" in my configuration below.
Is there something else I need to do to e…
### Command to create a GPU cluster
$ gcloud dataproc clusters create cluster-b9b8-gpu \
--autoscaling-policy policy-d005-gpu \
--enable-component-gateway \
I'm very new to spark and hail.
But I installed sparklyr and sparkhail as the documentation, and I also installed spark 2.1.0 following `sparklyr` website. when I tried connecting to spark, I…
- memorable
- [shiny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93lrosBEW-Q)
Context: https://github.com/sparklyr/sparklyr/issues/3162
Probably not much work here other than verifying existing jar works with Livy
Can you please clarify the wording in the READme file?
"This package requires Apache Spark 2.X which you can install using sparklyr::install_spark("2.3"), **and spark2.4 is not supported yet**..."