为什么我引用了你的库,也加入了那句dependences :compile 'com.xiaosu:pullLayout:3.0.3',却不能用呢?报了个这样的错误:
Failed to resolve: com.xiaosu.lib:spinkit:1.0.0
I know there's another issue related to that issue, but it looks like it's dead.
That's what I did:
1. react-native init
2. Then I set up some certificate stuff related to the app.
3. Then I s…
"react": "^15.3.1",
"react-native": "^0.40.0",
"react-native-spinkit": "1.0.2",
主要配置是这样的,但在Android 酷派手机上面不显示这个动画,andorid 酷派Coolpad 8675 系统是4.4
I installed the component but it is giving the following error.
"Invariant Violation: Native component for "BVLinearGradient" does not exist"
I have also run the following commands
I have used WanderingCubes spin kit but the rotation /animation is not like what is display in this library .i want this type of animation
Flutter 2.0 has been officially released with null safety, are there any plans to migrate this package?
Dependencies with null safety releases as of 2021.03.04.:
* `video_player`: available
* `fl…
public void dialogShow (Context context, String msg) {
progressDialog = new Dialog(context);
Like these:
Introduce a Spinner to the adminBlazorWebsite so that when the user kicks off an asynchronous activity they know that the web application is processing their request. This will prevent button spam and…
Documentations are for Vue, any idea how to use this with nuxt.js?