We already use FindBugs/SpotBugs in our build process, however the results are seemingly ignored. There are hundreds of warnings and errors throughout the project, we might want to have a look at thos…
Ajouter l'artefact SpotBugs au niveau de maven dans les projets générés.
I am looking for a list of visitors/detectors that I can omit. Specifically, I am look for the allowed values for https://spotbugs.github.io/spotbugs-maven-plugin/spotbugs-mojo.html#omitVisitors.
We have some community interest to see an "official" spotbugs GitHub Action that can feed to GitHub Code Scanning for users that want to scan Scala.
I have read the issues regarding `Objects.requireNonNull`, so I expected the following to show no errors (using Spotbugs Maven plugin with Spotbugs 4.8.4).
package foobar;
import ja…
## Steps to reproduce
1. Create a new Flutter project.
2. Add `flutter_secure_storage: ^9.2.2` to `dependencies` of `pubspec.yaml`
3. Change AGP version to 8.5.0 in `android/settings.gradle` (`com.…
Does spotbugs checks for security issues if default settings for maven are configured?
Seems like this would be a good spotbugs check to identify recursion that could easily be improved by the programmer. Spotbugs doesn't modify the output but can produce a warning when such a conditio…