Could you please add Sprite Kit support?
Demo will crash after press picture
Frequently when making a new sprite sheet with the "new sprite sheet wizard", I'm getting a MissingReferenceException (see below). When this occurs, the _sheet file in Resources/SpriteSheets is not c…
I basically don't want any blend, ie just normal mode, no transparency except for my image's alpha. Can't seem to achieve this. any suggestions? I love the particle designer interface and have used 1.…
- ゲームに対して画面越しに最低限の入力(プレイヤーからのアクション)が可能
- ゲームから画面への最低限の出力(プレイヤーへのアクション)が可能
- 関数型プログラミングでも利用できるように、基本的に公開する API は構造体(データ)とする
- 柔軟性: SpriteKit を使用したゲームであればどんな設計でも利用できるようにしたい
Apple often uses [SIMD](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/accelerate/simd?language=objc) types for ARKit, SceneKit, SpriteKit, Metal to improve performance.
In our bindings we're using some…
I am getting a whole bunch when compiling this with Swift. I have already included it in my bridging header. Any suggestions for this?
In the INSKScrollNode touch event handler is the following line of code:
Not supported...
I have made an app just like yours and I really don't understand why the ball lags sometimes. I have tried everything (replacing skshapenode by skspritenode, removing all ads, all buttons, all ex…