I converted the project to latest Swift and tried to clean my project from constraints which aren't used (hundreds), but script leaves loose ends to contraints which don't end with />
If file conta…
Template for the storyboard player molecule. Separate pagination function as a different molecule?
Template for the storyboard cinema molecule.
**Resolve #3 and #4 first before completing this.**
# Overview
Storyboards, they provide a more unique visual experience and adds to the gameplay factor. Usually, these are used when video is "not…
Need to create the storyboard for the project
Is it possible to use TinyConsole with storyboards?
Whenever I try to set `UIWindow` (which wasn't set before) whenever code that comes from a storyboard outlet gets run, it crashes: `Thread 1: EXC…
Hi guys! Recently I was searching for a solution to update the storyboard without relaunching the app, and I found this language manager https://github.com/maximbilan/ios_language_manager. It works in…
are you planning to add storyboard support?
Best regards,
muuuh updated
8 years ago
Hi, im trying to use the controller with storyboards, but doesnt work, i set the custom class to the cell, and set delegate protocol but nothing happens, i debug a little but the expandabletableview p…
I'd love to use this component however there's no storyboard support :(