### Discussed in https://github.com/scikit-bio/scikit-bio/discussions/1973
@mortonjt @wasade Will appreciate your thoughts!
Originally posted by **qiyunzhu** March 17, 2024
Here I am descri…
I brought this up in a couple of places, but I think it's important enough to have it being tracked as a separate issue. We often use the tenet "Simple things should be simple, complex things should b…
Further to https://github.com/JuliaAI/MLJModels.jl/issues/454, I have been asked to provide feedback on the implementation of the [MLJ model interface](https://alan-turing-institute.github.io/MLJ.jl/d…
I am pleased to be able to present this second file, testing the parameters that (basic) using it, compiles without problems.
% arara: latex
% arara: dvips
% arara: ps2pdf: { options : …
When using the _tabularray_ package to merge cells (multiple rows), _latexindent_ always incorrectly recognizes multiple rows cells.
## MWE (After formatted)
I was wondering if you could provide the code how you trained the surrogate models?
This is important to understand how the search space encoding influences the surrogate model.
As far as I un…
I can't type in any function name after & operator. If I enter ( after either UNICHAR or FORMAT in my example, it will duplicate first letter of function name instead: UUNICHAR, FFORMAT
### Description
Image overlaps with text
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Copying Slack conversation:
> @vrajmohan : In `autoapi`, is there a real use case for parsing Excel and JSON files, or is it YAGNI ?
> @toolness : i'm curious about whether there's an excel use ca…
IRIs in the source data are converted to strings even when the are enclosed by "". Valid IRIs should be converted to IRIs by default.