1. Prisma version (`prisma -v` or `npx prisma -v`):
Can't get the command to work, but installed version `3.0.2`
2. Logs from Developer Tools Console or Command line, if any:
Error: Command…
- goal?
- resources needed?
- tasks?
- information management? https://github.com/drupal-ukraine/drupal_social/projects/1
- project …
**Describe the bug 请详细介绍BUG信息**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
当 Zotero 设置为英语,点击 Tool 中的 Tara 导入功能不会弹出文件选择窗口
**To Reproduce BUG 如何产生的**
Bug appears …
Paljud opeidconnect'i/oauth'i toetavad "karbirakendused" vajavad korrketseks toimimseks e-posti aadressi.
Seetõttu teen ettepaneku rikastada protokolli:
A. minimaalselt isikukood@eesti.ee e-posti …
Thanks for this great book. The pdf build fails with:
// > Generating ./book.pdf from:
Some character sheets have a line or two writing over eachother in the autogenerated PDF, at the top of pages after the first, making a skill or description partly illegible. Example ![image](https://…
the QwaterModel v.1.3 does not work in QGIS version 3.22.1. I present the error text.
`ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gdal'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-…
AS AN End User,
I WANT TO authenticate through Bürokratt’s chat widget window
SO THAT Bürokratt (or CSA) could give me answers with access to my personal data.
### Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] I can…
When I run 'roslaunch uvc_camera tara_launch.launch' I get a failure message as follows, and I know the camera is connected to the system properly.
> nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~$ roslaunch uvc_camera tar…