**Canale Richiesto**
Scrivi il nome completo del canale TV / Radio che vuoi aggiunto in una delle due liste [es. Rai 1]
Se il canale è regionale, specificalo e indica la regione d'appartenenza.
实现一个伪NTP服务器类,提供startNTPServer方法,stopNTPServer方法,getTimeFromNTPServer方法。其中startNTPServer使用UDP4 socket,对外提供时间信息,信息需要以二进制字节的方式发送,第1字节写入uint8型数字作为版本号,第2字节到第9字节(共8个字节)写入当前时间戳毫秒数。stopNTPServer停止UDP4 socket的…
### Content description
* Name: RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg
* Type [e.g. TV channel, Catch-up TV, Website, Radio]: TV Channel (RTL and RTL Zwee), Catch-up TV (RTL Play) and Radio (RTL Radio, Today Radio, …
UI is teling me I already donated to public nouns operatios in the round, but I didn't!!
My donati…
so i get stuck a fair bit. my merc wanders and i loose my aura from him and my sorc will try to kill light immunes when she cant while my merc is off killing randoms off screen. is there a line i can…
Tele consultation has gained tremendous popularity since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. When healthcare facilities were overwhelmed due to the pandemic, many healthcare pr…
Aparece a tele de login, senha e email são colocados mas não passa disso, se clico pra entar, ele acessa mas não acontece nada e sai por timeout.
Sur ma TV android, je viens d'installer Kodi omega v21.1 en suivant le tuto suivant: https://troypoint.com/install-kodi-on-android-box/
Puis j'ai Catch up TV an suivant ce tuto: https:/…
At the moment:
Cuesheets are shown on the cue sheet section. Letter size is quite small (can it be changed?) when you work with a small display and you are old and need glasses (sigh!). There is an a…