#### Summary
Overall, great experience working with vscode and this extension thus far. Adding this feature/fixing the bug (eye of the beholder) will save a bit of time running commands in the termin…
Hi there,
The cucumber framework produces a number of reports at the end of a test run which are listed here (https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/reporting/#built-in-reporter-plugins)
- messa…
## Description
I can start AppiumDriverLocalService in local but when run on Jenkin, i receive a error :
io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidServerInstanceException: Invalid server instanc…
A native (Java) plugin which can be installed inside Jenkins and push a pass/fail result to Kiwi TCMS. Questions to be answered:
1) How do we report multiple test cases ? We can take the job name …
_From [gliptak](https://code.google.com/u/101548205732780420380/) on January 12, 2011 15:52:56_
There are several of these listed in /core/target/surefire-reports/TestSuite-output.txt
The issue seem…
Its been 3 days i have did lot of reasearch on finding a solution to generate extent reports when running testng test parallel= methods but no luck yet on top of that i have very close deadline to dem…
### TestRail CLI Version
### CLI Environment
_No response_
### TestRail Version
### TestRail Instance Type
Enterprise Cloud
### Current behavior
I'm integrating our testNG framewo…
#### I'm submitting a ...
- [ ] bug report
- [*] feature request
- [ ] support request => Please do not submit support request here, see note at the top of this template.
#### What is the…
Right now, the failsafe directory has multiple test reports, all linked together via TestNG.
The request was made to create one combined report, that has all of the test cases executed, and then disp…
i wanted all my previous reports available along with latest report but its overwriting report every time test gets executed. please fix this issue its very much required feature for me.