I just tried to access the web page with eclipce pluging http://thingml.org/dist/update2 and it doesn't work.
The "core" platform annotations are now being ported to the registry. The objective is that the registry will eventually contain all the platform annotations that are used by the core-compilers and ot…
Is there any documentation for the annotations that you are using ?
(I could find this https://github.com/TelluIoT/ThingML/blob/master/Documentrospection/Annotation.html but it is incomple…
My setup is made of a couple of arduinos which are communicating with a raspberry via nRF24L01 radio modules. The code on the arduinos is generated with thingm…
Hi everyone!
How can i return to a "normal" hue on my Ikea bulb, after a color change?
What i want is the same warm white color tone that i get if i turn the Bulb off and on again ( bulb was curre…
I have made use of the preset Tradfri colors in the library. However when I wanted to create custom colors by setting the value in coap 5709 and 5710 there really weren't any function available.
This is technically a question about the hardware, but I'm asking here since it's not supported in official software.
I'm wondering whether the Trådfri bulbs with multi-color support have support f…
The messages in different things with the same names will override each other.
import "datatypes.thingml" from stl
thing ThingA {
message hello(m: String)
provided port input {
Annotation @nodejs_package is not registered. Non-registered annotations will be deprecated in a future version.
property canards: Object[] = `[]` as Object[]