**Issue type:**
[ ] question
[X] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] documentation issue
**Database system/driver:**
[ ] `cordova`
[ ] `mongodb`
[ ] `mssql`
[ ] `mysql` / `mariadb`
[ ] …
Swiper slides are filtered ember data, which is always 7 records. As the user swipes through the slides, depending on the direction, we add a record to the end of the array and remove a record from th…
#### Short description of the problem:
I setup a simple 4 images sliders, however I see several issues.
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4
Removed support for pushing things from left side?
Is it possible?
Thank you for making this awesome project!
I am trying to implement the following "tinder-style" swiper:
I see that…
asadm updated
6 years ago
### Expected behaviour
I'd like to be able to disable swipe to change tabs for a specific tab.
Reason: one of my tabs has a Tinder-style card swiper, and the gestures for swiping on the cards an…
Hello. I'm looking for a component like yours, that can get a bunch of cards/elements, and the user be able to swipe left/right to browse the elements, but when the user swipes up, the card needs to b…
I want the swiper to render previous card on rightSwipe. I have a method(renderPreviousCard) that is called when 'onSwipedRight' event is fired. In renderPreviousCard function 'jumpToCardIndex' is use…