Hi, this is my setup
> ~ uname
> ~ cygcheck -V
cygcheck (cygwin) 2.5.1
System Checker for Cygwin
Copyright (C) 1998 - 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for co…
I'm not sure how to get this to work on NixOS, due to the way paths are handled on it.
I've got the following in my `tmux.conf`:
set -g @resurrect-processes '~nvim->nvim'
When I cre…
Running `install_plugins.sh` does nothing, activating the `+ I` prefix freezes the session.
I think this may have to do with tmux's recent update. https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/2645
This a…
LoLei updated
3 years ago
When running under Cygwin `tmux-resurrect` fails to properly restore the last session when using `prefix + C-r`. The `restore.sh´ scripts just exits with this message:
> '/cygdrive/c/Users/gusta/.tmu…
For some reason, tmux-resurrect will often create a new tmux_resurrect file immediately upon startup and update the last symlink point to that new file. To fix this, I have to go in an manua…
Hello everyone.
I have successfully setup tmux-plugins using byobu and see that stuff are working. However, when I try to setup a [custom notification](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Byobu#Custo…
I thought it would be easier to edit .tmux/resurrect/last manually today and remove a few tabs and tweak shells, etc.
Imagine my surprise to find that on re-running tmux, the old session appears in…
Quick self-help question
Where might I insert some sort of visual confirmation the command to restore the session was received?
I've been using/loving tmux for many years; these plugins are an imp…
the observation information is incomplete, and it is very inconvenient. Can it be improved?
For example, I have two tmux sessions which run in the system. I hope to save and restore them respectively.