IMPORTANT: Please search the existing Issues and look at the [Trello board](https://trello.com/b/sn3g9nOr/rundeck-development) for your idea before posting.
**Is your feature request related to a p…
The state of a menu in an application should be part of the component state. There's no need to persist it in the redux store of the application
1. chat app + presentation
1. Беркут Алексей
1. Джигиль Олег
1. Ира Гичка
2. Сервис заказа услуг +
2. Андрей Мельник
2. Костя Царенко
2. Саня Загуба (ruby)
3. Trello like app +
Vim setting, Macbook Setting 기록
필수 다운로드 해야할 것들
- Slack
- Chrome
- istat
- magnet
- Microsoft Remote Desktop
- Microsoft To Do
- Memory Diag
- Trello
- Karabiner-Elements
To work on our repository, we want to ensure that we have a structured workflow where we don't overwrite people's changes on accident or cause trouble with the main branch of the GitHub repository.
Hi, I am trying to install multiboard but having problems. I have no idea about meteor / react etc, my UI development stopped at angular/backbone!
Following the install instructions (v8.9.4 etc) on…
### Goal or desired outcome of this feature
When I have a longer task, I want the heading to be displayed, but the subtasks only to be revealed when I click on it.
### Describe the feature
In the old `mygov-account`, Capistrano would post a message to Slack saying the branch and the server in use. It would actually post two messages -- the first that the deployment is starting and the …
What originally brought me to play with docker and Atlassian tools was to get a demonstration setup easily. Atlassian supply their partners with teams-in-space demo, which comes populated with lots of…
**Issue by [tomByrer](https://github.com/tomByrer)**
_Thursday Jun 14, 2012 at 02:12 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/1045_
ref: Brackets Sprint 9 Build (6-4…