Hi! Thanks for maintaining this project! I'd like to know if this Trello-feature is planned: attaching cards to other cards. When I import a board from Trello, these attached cards get converted to fi…
With the @angular-skyhook/sortable, The DropTarget is attached where [ssRender] is, so the card can only be drop to the card container area. Is there any way that we can make the whole kanban-list a d…
Expose issues in Parquet format via datasette
Following the [design proposal for an internal API](https://digital-land.github.io/technical-documentation/architecture-and-…
We are discussing about using trello for project backend. I mentioned on last meeting. Julian agreed with using trello. but, when we are planning how to integrate with trello, then several issues are …
If you like the Trello workflow, it could be interesting to try [waffle.io](https://waffle.io/), which integrates with github issues and presents them in a trello-like interface. That way you get the …
Question: Where can I suggest new docs and features?
Answer: You can suggest and vote for new docs on the Trello board: https://trello.com/b/6BmTulfx/devdocs-documentation
![Screenshot 2021-11…
Reward users for doing things like...
- Mastering a test
- Mastering a test with over 50 questions
- Creating a test
- Creating a public test
- Having X users use their public tests
- Having a u…
**Feature Request!**
##### Does this feature exist in another mail client or tool you use?
Yes, currently [Sortd ](http://www.sortd.com/)does this as a Google Apps plugin, would be great to be able t…
I have formatted a recipe on Trello which I want to display on the MagicMirror. Trello supports Markdown Syntax for the Description section of Lists. See [this](https://help.trello.com/art…
If a task has tags other than the color tags used by trello itself, they are removed during syncing.
Is there any way to preserve or simply ignore tags that don't match trello's usage?
To be spe…