I am going to fine-tune the 'cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-4-v2' for the re-ranking of top documents in my retrieval schema. I have followed the instructions for the example in https://github.…
main.py:(The 3st Stage Training)
if current_epoch + 1 >= 1 and (current_epoch + 1) % config.eval_epoch == 0:
cmc, mAP, mINP = test(model, loaders, config)
Thank you for you tutorial and implementation of triplet loss. I have one questions about how to use the triplet loss for classification. If we need to do the classification, we could use the "embeddi…
Hi, I have been studying your work for some time now (I'm doing a thesis about it) and would like to verify if the final results are consistent (I implemented a small script to print out some graphs f…
Hello! I see your cifar-10 using the triplet loss replacing the softmax. If we want to test the triplet the accuracy, what can I do?
Hi, I was interested in implementing a loss function called a triplet loss function. I see that F is a parameter in the function of hybrid_forward in the definition of the custom TrainNetwork and Pred…
File "train.py", line 230, in train_model
loss5 = triplet(p, labels)[0]
File "/home/zzy/anaconda3/envs/baseline/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 547, in __call__…
It's a nice job. The proposed CC loss seems to narrow the modality gap, which is often done by triplet loss. So, how about replacing CC with the triplet loss?
Can you please explain the way you implement triplet loss a little bit. I implement triplet loss like that. But I do not understand your implementation.
`class TripletLoss(nn.Module):
# Implementing Triplet Losses for Implicit Feedback Recommender Systems with R and Keras - Nan Xiao | 肖楠