I am trying to use the networking build with containerized version. I am following the steps described in
My host…
Hi men,
looking for a way to test some ansible role using `molecule`, but I have an issue with your fedora33 image, and with fedora34.
Here is my `molecule.yml` :
Xat59 updated
8 months ago
lsxcatd -a
Version 2.16.4 (git commit 6c00ed5b573bb56a12c15efbeb085b506821496e, built Sat Apr 16 00:16:55 EDT 2022)
This is a Management Node
lsdef xcatn02
Object name: xcatn0…
I’ve tried to install lfs via luarocks but received the following error.
admin@ubuntu2004:~/Documents$ sudo luarocks install luafilesystem
Installing https://luarocks.org/luafilesystem-1.8.0…
Hi Julian,,
when building the image I get this error message:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.096kB
Step 1/4 : FROM nvidia/cuda:11.1-devel-ubuntu20.04
---> 0185bd6d8ed9
Step 2/4 : …
Trying to dump entries from a P4-OVS switch and it's failing:
root@ubuntu2004:~# ovs-p4ctl dump-entries ovs-p4
Table entries for bridge ovs-p4:
Installing Rivet via aliBuild yield the following error
==> Building Rivet@3.1.1-alice1
==> Rivet is being built (use --debug for full output): failed
ERROR: Error while executing /home/ajaz/a…
系统 ubuntu2004
钉钉版本: dingtalk-2.1.5-latest-amd6…
[postgresqlPassword: B1gB1tBu5](https://github.com/BigBitBusInc/kubernetes-automation-toolkit/blob/main/code/k8s-common-code/postgres-db/pg-values.yaml#L160) does NOT work as expected.
@kroll-software I tried to install and run Audio Delossifier, run audio_predict with `BestModel-128k-v2` but I don't understand the output, since the debug isn't have any error. I mistake anything?: