This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
Good day,
I stupidly followed the README in rpi folder without actually understanding what I was doing. and now cgps doesn't get a fix anymore.
> open com1 /dev/ttyAMA0 115200
> display …
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
With the C94-M8P evaluation board it is currenctly not possible to generate RXM messages, even if the receiver is correctly configurated. This is due to a twist in u-blox product description. In the u…
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts:
This will make the arduino set the GPS receiver to 57600baud 10Hz every time
the arduino starts: