How to use the frontend with a different UCI complaint engine.
It would be great if documentation for this is added to the wiki.
Could you display positive multi-PV evals in green and negative evals in red? - with only a + or - sign separating the positive and negative eval numbers, it is easy to accidentally misread them, whic…
[Arena-debug (30 min games).txt](https://github.com/zbkruturaj/haskell-chess-engine/files/687921/Arena-debug.30.min.games.txt) > ~ function key for debugging
Arena GUI 3.5.1 http://www.playwithare…
### Describe the bug
A few things from the UCI protocol are missing I think and might make less popular engines behave weird.
Source https://backscattering.de/chess/uci/
- [x] no use of `isre…
Hi Daniel, can you add support for ponder in UCI mode? I see that the engine can ponder in xboard mode already, but there's no option for it in UCI. Is there a reason for this? Is it difficult to add?
I asked the author of WinBoard/XBoard:
Would you compare https://github.com/HDANILO/Chessboard-Engine with
Polyglot UCI/WB adapter for WinBoard/XBoard?
http://www.geenvis.net/pg.html -…
After some hack for openwrt, now I can launch openwrt for luckfox rv1103/rv1106 series boards, features as below:
- [x] sd image generate (based on glibc openwrt)(uclibc support updated)
- [x] sd …
deepblunder_v1.2.0_win64.exe after uci command quits (previous versions work fine). I7-12700 CPU.
i just found your engine and i successfully compiled it on Linux.
i used your UCI wrapper to let Shallow Red play in CuteChess and all works fine.
(i also was able to compile the wrapper)
Hello Adam,
compiling with msys2 ucrt64 14.2.0 r1 64-bit is succesfully.
Running the binary on _same_ _comp_ (Win11 Prof 64-bit) where having been compiled is possible without any problems.
But …