I installed everything but idk what to do now
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/scapy/layers/ipsec.py:462: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
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how to you decrypt the news etc.. on the gui?
**L7 attacks just don't go**. I tried this command (the number of incoming requests for this site can be seen on dstat.cc):
`./ufonet -a "https://zetvideo.net" --loic 10000 --threads 500 -r 20`
Is there any discord server of ufonet? just for support.
Also can i install it on windows 10?
I downloaded ufonet from https://sourceforge.net/projects/ufonet/ . When I opened the terminal in ufonet folder, and typed in ./ufonet -help I got this:
/ufonet -help
i have just installed ufonet and i'm using kali linux.
i ran pip install scapy.
then i ran ./ufonet and than the error shows up:
Error importing: scapy lib.
To install it on Debian bas…
i have identified a list of offensive tools on github [here](https://github.com/mthcht/awesome-lists/tree/main/Github/Offensive-tools/urls) maybe this can be merge with your list: